He was, I learned not from books -.
Ill- word - war!.
Spotlights a violent outbreak.
To us, it broke into childhood.
Lethal tons of steel,.
Alarm siren night.
In those days we did not play in the war -.
We just breathed war.
A. Joffe.
Today, their generation - the last living witnesses to that terrible time.
... Shared their memories of twelve people, inhabitants of the neighborhood number 10. Rises from the pages of bitter childhood, lived in various places, from Western Ukraine to the Jewish Autonomous Region, from Karelia to Krasnodar.
Library staff (Head of T. and. Kuznetsova, librarians L. In. Bochkarev, A. to. Koshkin ) did not handle the stylistic memories to keep author's style. Presentation of the book took place in June.
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